A tailored job.
A tailored offer.
Meeting both ends.
To make sure we are able to answer efficiently to your needs, we developed expertise on both ends of recruitment : on candidate's and company's side. Believing each organisation or individual has its unique specificities, we will work to understand yours thus providing with the best possible solution.
Our goals is to make sure that organisations are looking for the right person, and that the match exceed technical expectation. By focusing on individuals, we want to make sure that there is a match on DNA, career path, emotional style and so on. We seek commitment.
To that end, all our offers and candidate are approved. No matter who you are, a trustworthy relationship is the key to lasting collaboration.
Candidate's side
We want to understand who you are. Thanks to a fast and efficient process, we will determine your professional profile with you and determine together the best next move for your career.
We will understand what and why you are looking to move, your dream job, how you want to fit in a team and so on.
We seek commitment, and the first step is to get to know each other.
Because time is one of the most valuable thing, we will make sure that both you and offers you can propose you meet our quality standards.
For our candidates, it means approving your technical skills, thanks to challenges from talented professionals, but also your motivation to join a new company.
Once we decide that we want to work together to find your next job, we will do everything to succeed, like training you.
A good meeting is a chosen one and, a face to face one. As communication is mostly non-verbal, the only way to make sure you can truly appreciate someone you have never met is to go in person.
We seek integrity in what we do, this is why you will be the one responsible for your choices towards company.
We will give you insight about the company, why they are interested in you, their offered career path etc. We want this meeting to be efficient.
Of course, we won't hesitate to give you a transparent opinion about the offer, taking into account all our expertise acquired from years of recruitment on your field.
We trust choosing your next job is something that really matter. Choosing a job means more than showing off at a new location with new teammates at a define date. It means believing in the proposal made by the company you met.
Any doubts ? We want to know and we want to access them.
Once we said yes, we will be there to assist you, on all matters, to make sure everything is set up for your first day of work.
We understand.
We approve.
We present.
We commit.
Company's side
We will meet with your teams, the ones for which you are looking for a new member.
We will understand why you need someone, your global recruiting offer, including management, training and so on.
If you are looking to replace someone, we will make sure to understand why it didn't work. If you open a new position, we will challenge its place in your organisation.
We want to build trustworthy relationship with our clients. To do so, one of the first step is to make sure we have enough expertise on your industry and on the profile you seek.
We approve to make sure we meet our excellence standards, in delivering quickly, and precisely.
Of course, it also means making sure that we share the same level of integrity towards our team. We believe it is already the case.
Then, our role is to present you a short-list of best available candidate for your offer.
We have already conducted interviews and research over the candidate you are about to meet. To meet our integrity standards, our analysis are as close to reality as humanly and digitaly possible, for you to gain time in your interview.
A good meeting is a prepared one, and we will determine with you the input and expected output of the interview. Of course, there will be room for getting to know each other.
Recruiting is about sharing part of its company to someone and everything we can do prior to this meeting to see if this is a true possibility will be done.
We will present you candidate we truly believe could fit in your organisation.
Choosing the right person for your position means more than validating an interview. Getting along with someone is different than having someone fulfilling an open position.
Because we have taken time to understand all the keys element of your position, it will be easier and faster to assess the candidate you have just met.
Speed is a key to success here, that is why we will make sure to understand the reason for your choice.
Finally, even if we are weeks before the first day, on boarding starts in the meeting, and we will be there to assist you.
Talented individual require demanding organisations.
Talent Finder
You are looking for someone with skills to enhance your organisation. You want to make sure you are looking for the right skills regarding you needs. You might not even know some new technologies can be implemented to support your product or service.
We will work alongside your teams to understand your organisation, its stakes, its DNA and its needs. We will make sure the proposed job description is the good one.
Then, we will find the best person. The baseline will be the adequacy between DNAs and career path. And of course needs will be answered.
On-The-Go Expertise
For your organisation to work at its best, you need punctual assistance on a specific skill. It might be to secure your data, to train you on agile project management, or to take on the rein of a team for a few time.
Anyway, you know this is punctual and specific. You still need to find someone, but we are going to focus ourselves on freelances.
Thanks to our active community, we will be able to present you with available and talented professionals while setting up all administrative details for you.