Talent Finder
Supporting you with the best person there is.
Our customers
Talent Finder has been created for organisation with a need of new coworkers. More than a job description, you are looking for a person able to deeply apprehend and share your corporate culture while following you in your expansion journey.
Our work
We are here to help find a correct and lasting match. To do so, we work for industry we know, willing to find skills for which we have expertise evaluating.
Our mission
We listen to you, in order to understand your needs and its origin. We take into account not only the skill you seek, but also the organisation in which it is needed. In an evolving world, new technology can sometimes answer better your needs. Understanding so, we will create the best candidate short-list for you.
Our goal
We want you to feel understood in your search, while having fast and efficient returns. By efficient, we mean not only to have people matching your job description in all possible manner, but also receiving an already made selection.

Few examples of our actions
Organisation analysis
We will be there in the first step of your profile's definition. Defining one means understanding why you have this needs and what you are offering.
Reasons go beyond a lack of ressources and offers surpass values shown on websites. Our goals is to help you put words on those, to make sure that when you see the right person, you are sure of what you offer.
Digital Advertisement
Looking for your next talent nowadays means mastering digital arts. The first thing most of us do when we have a job interview is to Google both the name of the interviewer and the name of the company.
Being truly digital means giving important and useful information about who you are and your corporate culture. We will help you be aligned with what is said.
And, by helping you sending the right messages, your online presence will be of use to make sure interviews are as efficient as possible, since you know where to look.
Exhaustive Sourcing
LinkedIn, Monster, Apec, RegionJob, CadreEmploi are just a few names of the job board we use on a daily basis.
With digitalized and automated research, we are able to have an exhaustive sourcing to cover your needs.
If the person you are looking for exists, and we are sure than he or she is, we will find him or her.
Talent Targeting
Sourcing is not enough. Based on our experience as engineers, someone even not looking for a job can receive multiple message a week, non stop. And we are not even close to the numbers for someone stating he or she is looking for a job.
Thanks to our advance targeting technics, and our commitment to act as career coach towards our candidates, we know how to communicate to right message.
In the end, this commitment towards candidate will create even longer relationship between both ends. This is how we see excellence working in recruitment.
Punctual expertise need is covered thanks to On-The-Go Expertise.